MeiWo Science Co.,Ltd.


Horse Bones for Turkey

Author:Meiwo Time:2020-09-07

Meiwo not only supply plastinated animals but also animal bones for veterinary science museum and education. The horse bones for veterinary medical education has been finished, and the final cleaning and check has been completed.

horse bones

The horse bones specimen for veterinary education and science museum clearly shows cervical vertebra, shoulder blade, thoracic vertebra, rib, lumbar vertebra, ilium, sacrum, coccygeal vertebra, ischium,thigh bone, tibia, tarsal bone, metatarsal bones, phalanx, costicartilage, phalanx, metacarpal bone, carpus, radius, humerus, mandible, upper jaw bone, zygomatic bone, etc.  It is an awesome specimen for teaching and studying.

horse skeleton