MeiWo Science Co.,Ltd.


The 8th National Anatomical Technical Academic Conference

Author:Meiwo Time:2021-01-03

The 2020 has been a perfect end, and the 2021 is coming. Sponsored by the Chinese Society for Anatomical Sciences, co-organized by Southern Medical University, Hengyang Medical College undertook, the 8th National Anatomical Technical Academic Conference is scheduled to be held in Hengyang, Hunan province from 28 to 30th, July, 2021.


The anatomical specimen skill contest will be held on the spot, including brain specimens, hand specimens, etc. The judges will give on-site grading based on specimen design, production quality, scientific and artistic aspects. The match will last three hours. Meiwo will attend the conference and show our plastinated specimens and life science museum. Welcome!